Thursday, October 29, 2020

Cleaning Your Dentures to Avoid Bacteria Buildup


Millions of Americans lose all of their teeth before they reach 60 years old. Being edentulous has psychological effects on you; for example, patients who have lost one or many teeth experience a decrease in their self-esteem and feel embarrassed about interacting with other people because they are afraid of causing a wrong impression in them. Luckily, there are many options to restore your teeth, and dentures in Flagstaff is one of them. 

What Are Dentures?

Dentures are dental devices that restore your missing teeth. Complete dentures consist of acrylic teeth on a pink base that looks like your gums and rest gently over your gingiva. When you wear them, you look as natural as if you had never lost a tooth.

Caring for Your Dentures

If you are looking for dentures near you, you must know how to clean them correctly, so you can keep them in good condition as long as possible. 

Our cosmetic dentist in Flagstaff recommends the best tips to take care of your dentures and prevent bacteria buildup.

Tips to Prevent Bacteria Buildup 


1. Remove Your Dentures Before Sleeping

Remove your dentures before bedtime to give your mouth a break and avoid gum irritation.

When you remove them, brush them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and denture non-abrasive toothpaste or a mild soap. Don’t use regular toothpaste because it will damage your dentures.

Also, soak them in a denture cleansing agent or water to keep them moist during the night, avoiding them from contracting.

2. Brush Your Dentures 

As we mentioned above, you should brush your dentures at least once a day with denture non-abrasive toothpaste (but ideally, after every meal). Don’t do it too hard to avoid harming them, and if you don’t have denture non-abrasive toothpaste, you may use a mild soap.

Brush thoroughly the part of your dentures that fits over your gingiva because it is where food particles get trapped. 

3. Rinse Your Dentures After Meals

After eating, always rinse your dentures in water before wearing them again. It will remove the food particles.

4. Clean Your Mouth

Even if you are edentulous, you need to brush your gums, roof of the mouth, cheeks, and tongue. Use a small-headed soft-bristled toothbrush and brush gently. If you don’t have any, you may use salt water (1 cup warm water and ¼ teaspoon salt).

If you are wearing partial dentures, brush your remaining teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

5. Visit Your Dentist Regularly 

Visiting a dentist near you is also essential to keep oral disease away. During these checkups, you may tell them if you are having any concerns with your dentures for them to make the necessary adjustments.

Keep in mind that your dentures must fit snugly to avoid further issues. Your dental professional may recommend a denture adhesive to achieve an optimal fit.

Implant-Supported Dentures 

For better retention and comfort, we strongly recommend implant-supported dentures. They go attached to dental implants; therefore, you won’t feel they are loosening, and you will feel more natural. 

Dental implants are small metal posts that your surgeon places inside your upper or lower jaw under local anesthetic. Afterward, you must wait for about three months for the dental implant to fuse with your bone permanently. Since your dental professional will fix the dentures to dental implants, they will have excellent retention. 

Schedule Your Appointment 

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact our dental offices. We have a team of caring professionals who look forward to helping restore your smile for better life quality.


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